Faculty contacts: Block 1 registration changes and late registrations

List of faculty contacts for Block 1 registration changes and late registrations

Faculty of Philosophy and Letters:

Sandrine Dethise - 04/366 55 78 - sdethise@uliege.be

Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology :

Lorène Nickels - 04/366 31 64 - lnickels@uliege.be

Faculty of Science :

France Mélot - 04/366 96 99 - fmelot@uliege.be

Faculty of Medicine :

Faculty of Applied Sciences :

Geneviève Wolfs - 04/366 94 48 - Genevieve.Wolfs@uliege.be

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine :

Mélanie Gardier - 04/366 41 14 - M.Gardier@uliege.be

Faculty of Psychology, Logopedics and Educational Sciences :

Cécile Staiesse - 04/366 20 86 - cecile.staiesse@uliege.be

HEC Liège-Ecole de Gestion :

Françoise DUBOIS - 04/366 73 65 - francoise.dubois@uliege.be

Faculty of Social Sciences :

Valérie PITREBOIS - 04/366 31 61 - valerie.pitrebois@uliege.be

Faculty of Gembloux Agro-Biotech :

Sonia Bossière - 081/622476 - Sonia.Bossiere@uliege.be

Faculty of Architecture :

Martine Pagnoul - 04/221 79 04 - Martine.Pagnoul@uliege.be

updated on 2/1/24

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