Events for prospective Master's students

Are you interested  in a Master's Degree at ULiège? Come and discover our campus in order to experience the academic environmet at ULiège.

iconeInfo The current health context does not allow us to set a definitive agenda of activities for this year 2021-2022. Depending on the evolution of the situation, the activities listed below may be adapted, postponed or even cancelled. If you wish to be kept informed of changes and upcoming events, you are invited to contact us by email to and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Futur·es étudiant·es de bachelier et de master

Journée portes ouvertes à l'ULiège  


LA journée de l’année pour découvrir l’ULiège, s’informer sur les études auprès de spécialistes de toutes les formations, visiter une Faculté, les infrastructures et rencontrer nos étudiant·es.

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Event é Bachelier I Master

Visites du campus  

Campus de Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech

Chaque mercredi de mai à fin août à 14h30, profitez d'une visite du campus avec l'un.e de nos étudiant.e.s.

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Futur·es étudiant·es

Matinée d'information sur les études  

Formations, démarches et préparations

Vous souhaitez étudier à l'ULiège ? Rejoignez-nous sur le Campus du Sart Tilman pour une dernière occasion avant l’été de vous informer sur les études et la vie étudiante !

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The University of Liège is also present during all the information fairs on study programmes and PSIS professions.

Several specific information sessions centred around certain Master's programmes are also organised. This calendar will be updated throughout the year.

Are you having a hard time choosing? Individual orientation reports are also offered by the University Orientation Service.

Other activities are offered throughout the year. Follow on facebook/ULiegeEtudiant

ULiège Information Centre

Galerie Opéra
Place de la République française, 35 | 4000 LIÈGE
+32 (0) 4 366 56 74

ULiège Information Centre

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