The study programmes are presented in credits, or ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

About the ECTS system

The crédit

The credit is a unit corresponding to the workload of a student for a teaching unit within a study programme. It takes into account the course hours, but also the practical work, seminars, laboratories, internships, personal work, research and field work, etc.

It is based on the workload necessary for the student to obtain the expected results at the end of instruction. The work of a full-time student during an academic year represents for him or her a load of 60 credits.

The number of credits associated to each teaching unit is set in the approved course schedule, upon proposal of the Faculties, by the University Board of Directors.

To set the credits, the faculty (department, board of studies) takes into account the specific modalities of each teaching unit (ex cathedra, participatory seminar, required reading, personal work, etc.). The weight of each course is also assessed in light of the overall curriculum of the training programme concerned and of the place of teaching within this programme.

Credits regularly undergo adjustments to take into account, in particular, modifications to the content or to the modalities of a course or even the opinion of students, who express themselves through their course delegates or through the board of studies.


1 credit <=>  about 30 hours of learning activities  

1 teaching unit <=> from 1 to max. 30 credits

1 year of study <=> 60 credits


iconeAttention Credits are granted to the student by the jury during deliberation, after favourable assessment of skills and knowledge. The jury automatically credits any note ≥ 10/20. In all other cases, it is sovereign. When the credit is earned, this is definitive.

A student may, as part of a national or international mobility, follow one or more teaching unit(s) organised by another higher learning institution with the agreement of the institution in which he or she is registered. The associated credits are decided upon under the conditions of the jury of this same institution.

In case of a dual degree programme, at least 30 credits of the curriculum must be actually taken in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.


The course schedule

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