In application of article 50 of the decree of 31 March 2004 defining higher education, promoting its integration into the European higher education area and refinancing universities, access to civil engineering studies is subject to passing a special entrance examination.

Passing this examination is valid in every French-speaking university in Belgium that offers training in applied sciences. 

The special entrance examination covers the following mathematical subjects

  • analysis
  • algebra
  • trigonometry and numerical calculation
  • geometry
  • analytical geometry

If you do not have a diploma recognised as equivalent to the Higher Secondary Education Diploma (C.E.S.S.) you must sit the full examination for admission to the civil engineering studies. In addition to the mathematical part, the examination includes French (written and oral test), a second language (freely chosen between Dutch, German, English and Latin) as well as history, geography, physics, chemistry and biology.

The faculty organises two examination sessions. For more information, click here.

Please note: Students who are not nationals of a member state of the European Union are only allowed to sit this exam if they are in possession of a registration authorisation issued by the Service des Inscriptions et Admissions of the University of Liege.

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