he University of Liège, a pluralist institution which is attentive to the society surrounding it, places equal opportunity and respect for diversity and liberties at the heart of its principles.

For several years now, several initiatives have been undertaken in order to offer all ULiège students the possibility to evolve and realise their study project in the best possible conditions, regardless of their life path and their personal situation. Thus, athlete/artist/disability/entrepreneur statuses were created and, furthermore, specific support is proposed to students who have particular personal situations.

Starting from the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year, new provisions will allow transgender individuals to use, if they so wish, their social name within the institution and on their student card. The mention of "sex" is masked in order to allow them to enrol and pursue their academic career with discretion. In addition, the institution has decided to designate a privileged contact person for all questions and/or difficulties encountered: namely, Ms Magali THONON

Student Quality of Life Service



+32 (4) 366 55 61

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