Since the introduction of the Paysage decree in higher education, the notions of pass/fail/repeat no longer really exist and have been replaced by the principle of ECTS acquisition. To be able to enroll/re-enroll, students must[1] be in a situation of financeability as defined in article 5 of the decree of April 11, 2014.

If the student is no longer in a situation of financeability, he/she cannot register/re-register without the agreement of the authorities (cf. art. 8 of rules of studies and examinations).

To determine whether a student is in a financeability situation, various factors must be taken into account (acquired ECTS, number of enrolments within the study cycle, etc.). The calculation of financeability is therefore directly linked to the student's individual study path. While certain cases can be cited (e.g., a student who has acquired all the credits enrolled in his ECTS annual program of at least 45 credits is eligible to re-enroll for the following year), it is not easy to list all possible cases. The general cases are detailed in the following downloadable document "Finançabilité d'un point de vue académique - principes généraux". You can also consult the following simplified diagram:


schema financabilite simplifie-2

Download this diagram in PDF format : Financial rules - Diagram

If you would like more information on this subject, or would like to know more about the conditions under which you will remain eligible for financeability in the new school year, you can send your questions by e-mail[2] only (no appointments are possible), to :

[1] Without taking into account the respect of the legal conditions of access.

[2] For ULiège students, only with their student address "@".

updated on 2/27/24

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