Registration as a free student offers the possibility of attending certain courses and taking examinations outside regular registration.

A student who wishes to register as a free student (to take individual courses) must first obtain the permission of the professor of the course concerned and of the Dean of the faculty concerned or his/her delegate.

The total load of the courses chosen may not exceed 20 credits per academic year.

If a student passes a course (minimum grade of 10/20), he or she will be issued with a certificate. This certificate gives a numerical evaluation of the result, without awarding credits.

If the student subsequently enrols regularly, the relevant jury may award credits for the successful course (at the time of validation of the student's annual programme).

The precise evaluation procedures are described in the "Free student - Free teacher" regulations.


In application of the General Regulations governing studies and examinations (art.102 §2) and the "Free Student-Free Auditor" Regulations (art. 1 §2), enrolment in individual courses is not offered to regularly enrolled students who wish to follow, as free students, teaching units that are part of the1st or2nd cycle programs in their field of study.


  • A student who registers simultaneously for a bachelor's degree and a master's degree (BAMA) in application of article 100 of the "Landscape" Decree will not be authorized to register for other master's courses in his or her field of study as a free student in order to advance in his or her program.
  • A1st yearundergraduate student who would only be able to register a very limited number of credits in his or her annual program in application of the rules of the "Landscape" Decree will also not be able to take courses as a free student to advance in the continuation of his or her bachelor's degree.

Registration procedure

The student prints out the "free student" form (link below), selects the teaching units he/she wishes to follow and obtains the signature of the holder(s) of the course(s) concerned.

He/she then contacts the faculty administration in order to obtain the approval of the Dean or his/her delegate.

To confirm your registration, we ask you to complete the online form (link below) and attach all the necessary documents to finalise your registration for the academic year.

Free Student Authorisation Form

Online form "Free student"

Special case

Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine authorises enrolment as a free student only in very specific and restricted cases.

For further information, please contact Laurence Velkeneers.

Students authorised to enroll must provide the Enrolment and Admissions Department with the following information via online form :

  • Identity card* or passport
  • The specific form duly completed and obtained exclusively from Mrs VELKENEERS
  • Dean's authorization

* plus birth certificate if place of birth is not mentioned on ID card

Faculty of Law, Political Science & Criminology

The registration deadline for the 2023-2024 academic year is as follows:

      • 30 September for Q1 courses
      • 10 February 2024 for Q2 courses

Contact: Elisabeth Harriet

Registration fees

  • From 1 to 10 credits: flat rate of 145 €
  • From the 11th credit: 13 € per additional credit

The documents provided must be compliant and the registration fee paid in order for the registration to be taken into account.

For political refugees and asylum seekers

Special access conditions are reserved for recognised political refugees and asylum seekers.

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updated on 2/19/24